On June 5th, 2017 millions of people around the world will answer the universal call to ‘connect with nature.’ There will be thousands of events dedicated to positive environmental actions and now more than ever we must take action to protect our earth. A commitment to keep the earth clean depends on public policies implemented by governments, but also on our personal lifestyle. This year’s theme, provided by the United Nations for the World Environmental Day, “Connecting People to Nature,” encourages people to get outdoors and enjoy what our beautiful world has to offer.
It is a perfect time to be reminded of the theme of the 2018 World Day of Prayer service - “All God’s Creation is Very Good!” The earth is God’s greatest creation, our home, and it is in danger. Pollution, climate-change, and exploitation of our lands are all detrimental. The women of Suriname lift up their voices to remind us that we are caretakers of God’s creation. We must realize that we depend on this earth and we must revitalize our relationship. The women of Suriname believe that the Christian faith community can make a great contribution to the preservation of a livable, healthy, and safe environment. The future of the earth to next generations matters. They see this as one of the key elements of the Christian faith. They are reminded of the relationship between God and creation, God and humanity. It is about having respect for every living thing. We encourage you to join in this important and incredible celebration!
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February 2024
Home Image: Thatch roof huts on beach in the Cook Islands © WDPIC