Dear WDP sisters,
Every year we look forward to hearing the good news from Easter morning: Christ has risen, he has really risen, Hallelujah! After the weeks of Lent and following the passion of Jesus, from his acclaimed marching in Jerusalem to the last supper with his friends, the betrayal and handing-over to his crucifixion, we are longing to hear the good news. In this Easter season I’d like to send you my heartfelt greetings. Watching and listening to the news all around the world, there are so many concerns that require our prayer. In so many places, people are living in fear and under injustice. Terror, war, and hunger are forcing people to leave their homes and go on a dangerous journey. With Christian love I pray for the people in Syria, in Egypt, in Iraq and Iran, in Palestine and Israel, in Yemen and Lebanon, in the Ukraine and in Russia, in Nigeria and in India, in Afghanistan and Pakistan, in Bangladesh, Venezuela and Brazil, Chile and Mexico, in South and North Korea, in Lybia and Sudan, in the Philippines and Suriname... I pray for all who are suffering. Jesus knows the suffering of the people in need and in fear. He went through the darkest valley of life to sympathize with those who are at the margins. “Am I being unfair to you?” He set us an example to follow his footsteps, to live with and for our sisters and brothers in our time between Good Friday and Easter Sunday. Christ has risen, he has really risen, Hallelujah! May this wonderful news, first spread by women, fill the hearts of the suffering and fill our hearts with hope, comfort, and joy! I wish you and your families a happy Easter season, may the Easter blessing encourage you and strengthen your faith. With love, Corinna Harbig Chairperson
February 2024
Home Image: Thatch roof huts on beach in the Cook Islands © WDPIC