Basic Steps for the Annual Celebration
Every year women respond to God’s grace with generosity and their capacity to organize simply and effectively.
Women are committed to partnerships based on mutuality and respect. Women maximize already existing connections and reach out to those not yet engaged. World Day of Prayer is first a program and we develop around it the essential structures that sustain the annual day of prayer. Its strength is with the communities, which is renewed by the worldwide celebration of the same worship service, the process of ecumenical preparation, and the impact of World Day of Prayer offerings in the lives of women and children around the world.
The Resource Book (2007), prepared by Eileen King and Helga Hiller, helps you understand
and participate in the World Day of Prayer.
The full text of the Resource Book is available for download below.
Women are committed to partnerships based on mutuality and respect. Women maximize already existing connections and reach out to those not yet engaged. World Day of Prayer is first a program and we develop around it the essential structures that sustain the annual day of prayer. Its strength is with the communities, which is renewed by the worldwide celebration of the same worship service, the process of ecumenical preparation, and the impact of World Day of Prayer offerings in the lives of women and children around the world.
The Resource Book (2007), prepared by Eileen King and Helga Hiller, helps you understand
and participate in the World Day of Prayer.
The full text of the Resource Book is available for download below.
Receive, translate and adapt the WDP worship service each year.
Each year the WDP theme and the worship service developed by women of another country is a gift. Therefore find out with great care what the women of the writer WDP Committee might mean before you adapt and interpret the liturgy for your context. Prepare resource materials as is possible within your context.
The Leader’s Guide is welcomed by local leaders. It offers additional material that is not possible to include in the worship program, such as background information on the country, references to interesting websites, introduction into the worship service, suggestions for preparatory meetings and events, ideas for publicity, a fuller description of symbols or actions that are proposed, a reflection on the bible text(s), meditation on the cover picture. Distribute the WDP materials to local committees.
The WDP worship service and resource materials should be cost-effective so that the price for local groups is as cheap as possible. The primary goal is that all materials are used as widely as possible. Ecumenical WDP Workshops and Training Days.
Together we strive for wisdom that shapes our understandings and guides our actions in our daily lives. A workshop can take place annually to give facilitators and local women a reliable possibility to be inspired and informed for their annual WDP preparation. |
National Committees as Communicators.
It is the task of the WDP National Committee to inform about the annual WDP preparation, celebration and the amount and the use of the offering. National Committees learn from women’s experiences and report to WDPIC.
Collect information and experiences from local and regional, province, or state groups about the WDP preparatory process, including workshops and training days and about the celebration. Include the results of evaluation into your planning. Report to local WDP groups about findings and evaluation of WDP preparation and celebrations. National Committees determine the use and distribution of the offering, contribute toward the financial support of the International Committee and put in place financial procedures.
From the beginning it became a guiding principle to collect the offering, even when it was very small, in each country so a real difference could be made in the lives of women and children through the projects selected. Each WDP National Committee puts into place financial procedures. National Committees keep in contact with other ecumenical organizations.
By being in contact with various church and ecumenical bodies, WDP establishes its place in the wider ecumenical movement, which is supported by WDP history and achievements. |
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